This project was mostly focused on DNA forensic evidence and how it is incorporated into our justice system. We began this project by learning about our justice system and how innocent suspects were sentenced to long term imprisonment for doing nothing. We then moved on to how forensic DNA evidence can clear an innocent man from imprisonment. After we touched bases with the innocent project and exoneration we moved on to the actual procedure that we use for DNA extraction.
This project also covered the use of PCR, toxicology, DNA typing and tire casting. All of these were used to provide more evidence to the crime. PCR used different material, to create more DNA samples in crimes. Toxicology used the samples from a body to determine drug content in the system of an individual. DNA typing allowed users to connect the blood or other sample found at a crime scene to a sample taken from a suspect. The most interesting science for me was the fingerprinting of the bottle. We used an incubator to to bring out latent prints and cover them with fine dust. This dust could moved to to paper and compared to known and registered prints. Crime scene #3
Report #2 Evidence Being examined: Forensic science used: Superglue Fuming Summary of the science: Fingerprints are a unique way to identifying a perpetrator. Each and every human of this planet has a fingerprint that is unique that person and no two are alike, not even twins, despite the similarities. Because of minutia, small imperfections in the print, like gaps or bridges each print can be used to link to individuals with an almost definite match. The first use of superglue fuming was in the 1970`s when is was discovered that a fast drying adhesive could show fingerprints left of most surfaces. Fingerprint evidences in one of the most common way of retrieving forensic evidence from a crime scene. There are many ways to gather reliable evidence from a crime scene and fingerprints are one of them. Fingerprints can lead you to a anyone with a registered fingerprint in the world and is accepted as a trustworthy piece of evidence. One of the redeeming qualities of the fingerprint is that it no two people have the same ones, which means that the chances of a mis identification are much similar and provide more sound evidence. An example of this would be if two fingerprints were found at the same scene and both look similar. Close examination would reveal that each print held different minutia and comparing these prints t those of likely suspect you can quickly identify the perpetrator. Also latent prints that are found can be documented photography and used later on for more evidence. Fingerprint evidence can also be transferred with fine dust and therefore moved and copied. The most common means of capturing a fingerprint is know as cyanoacrylate fuming or superglue fuming. Superglue is heated with water to evaporate and coat the the surface of whatever material has a print. The gas from the glue creates a white milky coating over the print and makes it visible to the human eye. In order for the the prints to become visible it must first go through a superglue fuming process. The process as I said before is the mixing of water and superglue to create a gas that clings to the print. But the process this time in sealed incubator that with heating device. This allowed the gases from the water and glue to mix around and show any prints left on the item in question. Unfortunately if the mixture is left to bake longer than necessary then the mixture will settle in the base of each ridge line and distort the print. After the Fuming process you are left with a white coating on the prints which can be intreated by a computer and analyzed to match possible suspects. One of the many advancements of Superglue fuming is that fine powder can be applied and press to a scanner to create a search for hundreds of possible suspects that may have past crimes that could tie them to the crime. After the use of superglue fuming on a vodka bottle we found, the prints of a likely suspect were matched after confirming it through analyses of the prints and the recorded prints of the suspect. Because of the profile and history of the suspect it is my belief that he is the one that had a part in the death of the victim. Sources Used: |
Crime scene #3
Report #4 Evidence being examined; Blood Forensic science used; Nuclear DNA Summary of the science; DNA is the root of all organic material in the world. It is the base of life and the code to everything. With the a sample of DNA one could link it to any one in the world, leaving no room for error. DNA can be processed to in many ways to create a match between a sample and registered DNA. DNA can be processed in through different procedures to test, sample and identify the structure of the DNA sample. In 1985 Dr. Alec Jeffreys described the DNA typing and as a DNA fingerprint. Shortly after PCR was used to amplify DNA found at crime scenes to create batches of target DNA and templates of the the DNA for the future. PCR became law enforcements method of DNA typing as it was safe, fast, robust, and economical. Along with processing blood PCR could also used saliva, and semen to create the same template. To this day DNA is one of the leaders in positive identification of Crime scene suspects. Biological evidences is left when you are cut or deposit bodily fluids on a surface. This fluids is a direct sample of your DNA. This DNA can be used to make a positives match between one sample to another, with the exertion of identical twins. This match can create a detract link to a suspect. There is DNA everywhere, in all organic material and is the building block of life. DNA is the code of life that literally define all of genetic qualities like skin color, hair color and eye color, and all of our physical traits. DNA is one of the unlikely shapes you could imagine, The double helix. All DNA is based on nitrogenous base with each rung on the laser made of any of the two, adenine, thymine, cytosine and guanine. The combination of these elements and the order is what DNA typing shows. A large portion of our DNA is all the same, PCR replicates the small portion and allows us to see and compare is to the the other small portion of another sample. Basically PRC make many duplicates of of the sample and makes it easier to create matches to other samples. There are three steps to successfully compare DNA samples found at crime scene. The first is extracting the DNA. The sample must be made into a semi liquid state to begin, this means cursing and hard material into a juice. This material is then put in to a seal bag with a lysis buffer is inserted into the bag and aloud to mix with that sample. Then the contents of the bag are dumbed into a sterile test-tube, assuming that the sample is a liquid, other wise it would have to be stained. Once in the test tube, rubbing alcohol is filled to the top. This bring out the extracted DNA out of the sample and into a cloud like form in the alcohol that floats above the surface of the sample. The second major step is to run the extracted DNA through PRC. PRC then replicates the sample in to many copts of the original. The process use heating and cooling as well as different chemicals to do this, but the process is short and easy. The Last step that provides all the answers. The PRC extracted samples is placed in a special gel well. The gel well is created from a mold that has four square holes. The gel is poured in to the mold and quickly dries. Then basically sea water is poured into just enough to cover the holes. Then Te samples are poured in and with a syringe. Change the tip very time. Carbon fiber paper is cut into strips and placed at each end of the mold. An electric charge in applied to the paper, the positive charge at the other end from the samples. Because DNA has an overall negative charge the samples are pulled towards the positive charge. The distance the DNA travels on the gel is part of the DNA typing, the distance and size maters the most. If two of the samples are the same the DNA that was drawn out will be in the same pattern, the same spacing size and distance from the hole. This is how you get a positive match for DNA samples. The method for DNA extraction is simple and is one of the easy steps for DNA typing. This step is simple and is simply the extraction of DNA, and the reason it works is because of the lysis buffer. The Lysis Buffer brakes down the cellular membrane surrounding the genome. This allows the DNA to be released and extracted in the rubbing alcohol. The second step in the process is one of the more time consuming. PRC use a the sample plus the cretan primers to create the the replicated version of the DNA that separates us form one another. PRC use heating and cooling of different materials mixed with the samples to hive the desired affects. In addition to the application of forensic science. Blood typing can be used to identify genetic deficiencies and can give insight to early prevention of cancer or heath problems that are built into your DNA. After Superglue fuming, Tire casting and Toxicology, It is most like that J, Peterson killed Terrance Bond in a hit and run car accident. The blood found on the rear bumper is a match Terrance Bond which put Mr, Peterson statement that he cut him self when changing his tire. This makes L peterson the prime suspect. Sources used; "NUCLEAR DNA." Bureau of Criminal Apprehension A Division of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety. N.p., n.d. Web Title: DNA Forensics: Expanding Uses and Information Sharing Author: Search: The National Consortium For Justice Information An[…] |
For this year in biology I dissected a shark. The reason that I choice to dissect a shark is that I want to learn about how the inside of sharks and their internal functions that allow them to survive in the water. While doing this dissection I learned about the internal and external anatomy of sharks. I slo learned how sharks use there senses to hunt and survive in the open water.
Honeybees Project
Bee are important to the ecosystem for many reason. Bees are the main pollinators in our world and are responsible for the food that we eat, without bees we would not have little food to eat and many plants and crops would die out within a short time. As a species living on planet earth we have responsibility to make sure that we keep bees alive, not just for us but for all animals that require plants to live and survive.
For this project I choice to focus on how the prices of certain crops will rise by the loss of bees in the ecosystem. I started by comparing the prices of food crops and the valued price. Then I researched how much it will cost to artificially pollinate each hectares of crops and the prices for each crop in the situation that there were no bees pollinating our crops.
For this project I choice to focus on how the prices of certain crops will rise by the loss of bees in the ecosystem. I started by comparing the prices of food crops and the valued price. Then I researched how much it will cost to artificially pollinate each hectares of crops and the prices for each crop in the situation that there were no bees pollinating our crops.
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