What is a LINK Internship?
A LINK internship is unique opportunity for 11th graders of Animas High School. Each Student embarks on 3 week internship that they sucrthem selves. The goal? To help students develop skills in the area or areas that there have an interest in. This allows students to build on this area of interest while building personal skills and taking one more step towards independence and self reliance.
What is My Internship?The LINK Internship that I did my junior year was with illuminarts. I worker with Drew Semuels as an assistant to his office. I worked with Drew as well as by myself to create a photojournalism project that I could present at the LINK ART exhibition. For my internship I spent 3 weeks as an assistant to the business. I spent my time learning about how a small business like illuminArts works and functions. On the photography side of things, I leanred about the post production aspect of the business, how information was organized, sorted, and used to create amazing and stunning photos and pieces of art that gave emotion and life to a still print.