Project Reflections
If I was asked by another student, ether entering 9th grade or by a student that had done model UN and was interested about my experience during this project, why Model United Nation was important? I would say something like this, from my perspective the most important part of this project was the understanding the perspective of your country. To me this was the hardest, how are you not going to be by bias towards deferent races and culture and ague the point of my country. This was vary hard during the simulation, trying to make an argument from the perspective of your country while being someone that has little or no connection to a country half way across the world.
In retrospect after the project was over and as i`m righting this, I feel that my greatest strength was perseverance. I did hours of internet research, evidence gathering, practicing my speech and researching my own country persecutive to receive the finale product. A good speech, understanding Israel, Palestine and Brazil persecutive on the issue and a successful simulation of the United Nation.
The hardest part I faced was the county researched, I found it hard to find information on the internet that applied directly to the information that I needed. To get throughout this I used key word and phrases that I found in relating articles to find articles that had the information I needed to understand my country so I could fully understand the perspective that I needed to come from in my speech, policy paper and resolution.
One of the most interesting things that I noticed during this project was the resolution, During this project I found that the resolutions produced by my class mates were vary high quality and took a realistic approach to the Palestinian and Israel issue. I found this most interesting because in the time that we studied this subject, we still created resolutions that solved the issue with the limited time that we had to study the perspective of our counties and the evidence that surrounded the issue.
In retrospect after the project was over and as i`m righting this, I feel that my greatest strength was perseverance. I did hours of internet research, evidence gathering, practicing my speech and researching my own country persecutive to receive the finale product. A good speech, understanding Israel, Palestine and Brazil persecutive on the issue and a successful simulation of the United Nation.
The hardest part I faced was the county researched, I found it hard to find information on the internet that applied directly to the information that I needed. To get throughout this I used key word and phrases that I found in relating articles to find articles that had the information I needed to understand my country so I could fully understand the perspective that I needed to come from in my speech, policy paper and resolution.
One of the most interesting things that I noticed during this project was the resolution, During this project I found that the resolutions produced by my class mates were vary high quality and took a realistic approach to the Palestinian and Israel issue. I found this most interesting because in the time that we studied this subject, we still created resolutions that solved the issue with the limited time that we had to study the perspective of our counties and the evidence that surrounded the issue.
Austin Munroe
Sara Price
Model United Nations
February 4, 2009
Although Brazil has connection to North Korea thought its embassy, North Korea should not be allowed to have a nuclear program because it has repeatedly threatened other countries with a nuclear attack and refuses to disarm there nuclear reactor and once again become a nation without nuclear weapons.
The issue is, that North Korea is developing nuclear weapons that could be use against the rest of the world. In past years the North Korea threatened the U.S. and its allies with an nuclear attacks, as stated in the Washington Times, that the threats coming from North Korea are growing in intensity in response from the US increasing the defense in Guam. And that North Korea left the NPT and restarted it nuclear program, as stated in the article North Korea leaves nuclear pact by CNN was that ‘’Pyongyang declares its freedom from the binding force of safeguards accord of international atomic energy agency.’’(Pyongyang). It is also stated in the same article, North Korea leaves nuclear pact by CNN that ‘’The withdrawal from form the nuclear pact has drawn concern from the neighboring Asian countries other international leaders, and a call from France for the United Nations Security Council to address the crisis’’. The reason this issue needs to render because, North Korea could attack any other country with devastation force if provoked.
Brazils solution to the North Korea issue is to propose the negotiate between the UN and North Korea in the hopes for the removal of the sanctions placed on North Korea in exchange for North Korea rejoining the Non Proliferation Treaty and once again become a nuclear free country. This would be most beneficial to countries that have been unable to trade with North Korea, As stated by the EastAsiaForum, Why do China and South Korea trade with North Korea? ‘South Korea and China both seem to recognize that sanctions only serve to further isolate the already reclusive North Korea.’’(Why). Brazil would also find this a way to hep the diplomatic relationship between countries if the threat of nuclear weapons in removed. This is shown it the article by, North Korea threatens nuclear strike, U.N. expands sanctions, ‘’North Korea threatened the United States on Thursday with a preemptive nuclear strike, raising the level of rhetoric as the U.N. Security Council approved new sanctions against the reclusive country’’. If this solution is used to remedy the situation with North Korea it would be helpful to Brazil or North Korea as well as the US and its allies by opening trade routs and peaceful relation between nations.
Sara Price
Model United Nations
February 4, 2009
Although Brazil has connection to North Korea thought its embassy, North Korea should not be allowed to have a nuclear program because it has repeatedly threatened other countries with a nuclear attack and refuses to disarm there nuclear reactor and once again become a nation without nuclear weapons.
The issue is, that North Korea is developing nuclear weapons that could be use against the rest of the world. In past years the North Korea threatened the U.S. and its allies with an nuclear attacks, as stated in the Washington Times, that the threats coming from North Korea are growing in intensity in response from the US increasing the defense in Guam. And that North Korea left the NPT and restarted it nuclear program, as stated in the article North Korea leaves nuclear pact by CNN was that ‘’Pyongyang declares its freedom from the binding force of safeguards accord of international atomic energy agency.’’(Pyongyang). It is also stated in the same article, North Korea leaves nuclear pact by CNN that ‘’The withdrawal from form the nuclear pact has drawn concern from the neighboring Asian countries other international leaders, and a call from France for the United Nations Security Council to address the crisis’’. The reason this issue needs to render because, North Korea could attack any other country with devastation force if provoked.
Brazils solution to the North Korea issue is to propose the negotiate between the UN and North Korea in the hopes for the removal of the sanctions placed on North Korea in exchange for North Korea rejoining the Non Proliferation Treaty and once again become a nuclear free country. This would be most beneficial to countries that have been unable to trade with North Korea, As stated by the EastAsiaForum, Why do China and South Korea trade with North Korea? ‘South Korea and China both seem to recognize that sanctions only serve to further isolate the already reclusive North Korea.’’(Why). Brazil would also find this a way to hep the diplomatic relationship between countries if the threat of nuclear weapons in removed. This is shown it the article by, North Korea threatens nuclear strike, U.N. expands sanctions, ‘’North Korea threatened the United States on Thursday with a preemptive nuclear strike, raising the level of rhetoric as the U.N. Security Council approved new sanctions against the reclusive country’’. If this solution is used to remedy the situation with North Korea it would be helpful to Brazil or North Korea as well as the US and its allies by opening trade routs and peaceful relation between nations.
Austin Munroe
Sara Price
Model UN
February 28, 2014
Israel/Palestine Conflict Policy Paper
Even thought Palestine started this conflict by calling on it fellow muslim countries to destroy Israel, Brazil believes that they should have the right of return because Israel has repeatedly shown hostilities and lack of human rights towards the Palestinians.
Palestine and Israel have been in this conflict sense the 9th century and has continued still to this day. Today there are currently five million Palestinian refugees living in refugee camps in other muslim countries as refugees Brazil believes that a solution to bring these Palestinian refugees back to there own country is needed to start mending the relations between the two people. If a two state solution is found, Brazil will support this as stated in the article, Brazilian congress pays tribute to Palestine, “Ibrahim Alzeben, said Brazil has always supported the creation of the State of Palestine and the cause of the people in Gaza and the West Bank.’’(Carrieri). Also Brazil also notices that not every country views there decision the same way as they. Some even believe Brazil is misguided and off track as stated in the article, Brazil Recognizes State of Palestine With Pre-1967 Borders, “Brazil’s decision to recognize Palestine is severely misguided and represents a last gasp by a Lula-led foreign policy which was already substantially off track,”(Goodman). This issue is also an issue where the human right of the Palestinian are being abused in such a manner that is ethical and immoral. In the article, The story of Rafat, Palestinian from a refugee camp in Occupied Palestine, a Palestinian who faces many hard ships and abuse by Israeli soldier as he lives his daily life,’’At that point all the soldiers started beating me, kicking me at once in all and every part of my body with no discrimination. One of them started pulling me from my hair with my face downward and kept pulling toward their armed vehicle.’’(Story) In this story it clearly shows that the rights of the Palestinians right are being forgotten. Also if the Palestinians are to remain as a people and not become politicly extinct they need to be able to function as a government they ,need a place to call home and to provide for there people.
Brazil believes that a solution of the following should be applied. The UN will conduct a survey of the land in question and the natural mineral, access to ports and water ways as well as places to build new homes and settlements in the hope of finding a way to split the land fairly between the two people. Brazil would like to per pose that all security council members conduct this survey and then bring this information to the UN. This would allow for there to be less favoritism with ether of the two people. It is also Brazils wishes that the UN will send peace keepers to keep the peace and allow the Palestinians to return to there new land without interference from the Israelis. Brazil believes this is a solution that will work much better then the past UN Partition. In the map, Palestinian loss of land, 1946-2007 it shows the loss of land through Israeli force. On this map it shows four maps of the current country of Israel and Palestine territories and the loss of land in the years 1946, the UN plan in 1947, 1967 and 2007. In each one the Palestinians clearly loss more and more land from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip to the point where the Palestinians have vary little land to live and function as a government which is still forcing more and more Palestinian to become refugees in other countries. All of the loss of land is from Israeli force and needs to be brought to an end. Brazil would like to believe that a more active plan would work more effectively then the perviously partition plan and bring an end to this conflict.
Sara Price
Model UN
February 28, 2014
Israel/Palestine Conflict Policy Paper
Even thought Palestine started this conflict by calling on it fellow muslim countries to destroy Israel, Brazil believes that they should have the right of return because Israel has repeatedly shown hostilities and lack of human rights towards the Palestinians.
Palestine and Israel have been in this conflict sense the 9th century and has continued still to this day. Today there are currently five million Palestinian refugees living in refugee camps in other muslim countries as refugees Brazil believes that a solution to bring these Palestinian refugees back to there own country is needed to start mending the relations between the two people. If a two state solution is found, Brazil will support this as stated in the article, Brazilian congress pays tribute to Palestine, “Ibrahim Alzeben, said Brazil has always supported the creation of the State of Palestine and the cause of the people in Gaza and the West Bank.’’(Carrieri). Also Brazil also notices that not every country views there decision the same way as they. Some even believe Brazil is misguided and off track as stated in the article, Brazil Recognizes State of Palestine With Pre-1967 Borders, “Brazil’s decision to recognize Palestine is severely misguided and represents a last gasp by a Lula-led foreign policy which was already substantially off track,”(Goodman). This issue is also an issue where the human right of the Palestinian are being abused in such a manner that is ethical and immoral. In the article, The story of Rafat, Palestinian from a refugee camp in Occupied Palestine, a Palestinian who faces many hard ships and abuse by Israeli soldier as he lives his daily life,’’At that point all the soldiers started beating me, kicking me at once in all and every part of my body with no discrimination. One of them started pulling me from my hair with my face downward and kept pulling toward their armed vehicle.’’(Story) In this story it clearly shows that the rights of the Palestinians right are being forgotten. Also if the Palestinians are to remain as a people and not become politicly extinct they need to be able to function as a government they ,need a place to call home and to provide for there people.
Brazil believes that a solution of the following should be applied. The UN will conduct a survey of the land in question and the natural mineral, access to ports and water ways as well as places to build new homes and settlements in the hope of finding a way to split the land fairly between the two people. Brazil would like to per pose that all security council members conduct this survey and then bring this information to the UN. This would allow for there to be less favoritism with ether of the two people. It is also Brazils wishes that the UN will send peace keepers to keep the peace and allow the Palestinians to return to there new land without interference from the Israelis. Brazil believes this is a solution that will work much better then the past UN Partition. In the map, Palestinian loss of land, 1946-2007 it shows the loss of land through Israeli force. On this map it shows four maps of the current country of Israel and Palestine territories and the loss of land in the years 1946, the UN plan in 1947, 1967 and 2007. In each one the Palestinians clearly loss more and more land from the West Bank and the Gaza Strip to the point where the Palestinians have vary little land to live and function as a government which is still forcing more and more Palestinian to become refugees in other countries. All of the loss of land is from Israeli force and needs to be brought to an end. Brazil would like to believe that a more active plan would work more effectively then the perviously partition plan and bring an end to this conflict.